Monday, August 21, 2006

Maverick is not allergic to milk. We followed the milk allergy test as instructed by Maverick's ENT specialist and thank goodness he's not showing any signs of a milk allergy.

We saw the specialist this morning and he said Maverick's ears look great. This stronger antibiotic drop cleared Maverick's ears in only one week. The drops that he had been on before were supposed to clear his ears of infection and fluid in 6 weeks, well by that time he'd already have another infection. The specialist seems to think that we were really never getting his ears clear of the infection.

I was a little disappointed that we didn't get an answer as to what is causing the drainage and infections, but at least we have a way to get it cleared up. The Dr said it's probably a combination of day care and allergies but if we stay on top of it he should do much better. He's not worried about Maverick's hearing at all and that was a big relief to hear. He also told us that if he gets another ear infection to start putting the drops in the infected ear. If it doesn't clear up in a couple of days to come straight back to him. We don't have to mess with going to his pediatrician first! (Don't get me wrong, I really like Mav's pediatrician. It's just that we've had so many problems with his ears I'd rather go straight to the specialist.)

Long story short...I think we're headed in the right direction!

We had a great weekend. The Rowlands came to visit! I will post pics and video tonight.


Anonymous said...

Love, Gma

Anonymous said...

Glad he's feeling better. It's so awful to have a sick kid.