Sunday, September 24, 2006

Getting ready for fall.

We spent most of the day outside today. We cleaned up the homer and returned it. Mav and I planted mums and placed our pumpkins. Bryce fixed our ceiling fan on the patio and worked in the basement for awhile. And of course....we did laundry!

Mav after planting mums.

Checking out his work.

Mav and dad check the sprinklers.
Our Saturday started early this week! We had busy day of golf tournaments, football games and playing with the neighbors/cousins. We got up at 5:30 Saturday morning to get ready for the day. Bryce and the boys left for the K-State game in the homer at 6:30. I took Mav over to the neighbor's to play for the day (Thank you! Thank You! Dallas and Celeste!) and I headed to Kingman to play in the Fall Ladies Jack Rabbit.

Aunt Shelly was going to play with Maverick for the day, but she started having a Kidney Stone attack late Friday night. We hope you're feeling better Shelly! Take care of yourself. We owe Dallas and Celeste big time. They took our call at 9:30 at night and said "sure we'll take your kid for the day!" I dropped him off at their house at 6:30 in the morning. He saw Dallas and just started grinning from ear to ear. He wiggled out of my arms and ran right in the house to start playing with all of their toys!

I picked up Elizabeth and we headed to Kingman for the tournament. We had a great time. It wasn't our best round of golf ever, but the blood marys were great and we had a ball! We're notorious for hitting in to the same team every year. No matter where they are on the course, they're just a magnet for our golf balls. This year they came prepared. They had hard hats and bulls eye signs!

We got back to town at 3:00 and I headed right over to pick up Mav. I could tell right away that he had a great time! They went to the park, fed the ducks, took a nap in a bunk bud and played and played and played. When I got there he wanted to show me all of the toys he played with and he didn't want to leave. Thanks again Dallas and Celeste.

Finally we headed home and waited for Bryce and the boys to get home from the game. Kstate lost but they still had a good time.

Then, it was early to bed for everyone in the Guinn household.
Mav and Dad.

Mav and dad play tennis with the neighbors.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Working Mom.
O.k., I'm not writing this for anyone to feel sorry for me, I'm not unhappy, I just wanted to jot down my thoughts and feelings so that someday when Maverick's wife comes to me in tears saying that she can't do it anymore I can look back and show her how I was feeling and that it's o.k. to feel that way once in awhile.

I'm not sure why it happens, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason, but every once in awhile Maverick and I have a really hard time saying goodbye in the morning. 29 out of 30 mornings we do great, but there's always that one morning every month where it's really hard and I hate being a working mom that whole day. Today is one of those days. Maverick loves his school and I know it's so good for him, but this morning he cried and cried when I left. It started with him not wanting to take off his jacket. When I did finally get it off of him he just wanted to hold it, he didn't want me to hang it up. So, o.k., that's fine...maybe it's a security blanket type thing. When I had to leave he cried and cried. He stood at the door crying moooommmmaaaa, mooommmmaaa, and it's just heart breaking. It's all I can do to hold back the tears.

I sit here at my desk and worry and wonder about how he's doing. It makes me question everything. Am I a horrible mom, why do I work, etc, etc and then I calm down and remember why. We live a great lifestyle, we have great health benefits, we own our own business, we can afford to send Maverick to the best school and Maverick really does love it, he learns so much at school and has made so many friends. I have many friends that are fantastic stay at home moms, but when I'm truthful with myself...I don't know that I'm cut out for it. There's a part of me that really does enjoy working. I do think it's best for our family this way.

I just called New Song to check up on Maverick and he's just fine. They just finished P.E and now they're having a snack before they do crafts. I know he loves it there and I know those ladies love him and treat him like he is their own.

So, I'm fine now and I can't wait to go pick him up tonight. That is one of the best things about being a working parent...picking him up. We don't admit it, but I think sometimes Bryce and I race to see who can get done first for the day and pick him up. Sometimes I stand at the door and watch him playing with all of his little friends. The minute I open the door he squeals with delight and comes running with open arms. He always babbles a big long sentence about what he did today, gives me kisses and grins from ear to ear. It's the best feeling in the world and once again I feel like a good mom.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Greg came over today and helped Bryce start running electrical wire in the basement. They were able to get all of the wire run to our can lights and pendant lights. I think next on the list is the electrical outlets. We have a good friend, Brad, that is also helping Bryce with the electrical. He's an official electrician. He comes over and helps for a few hours on Friday evenings and then gives Bryce homework to do before he comes back the next Friday. It's really working out well and we owe Brad big time. A big "Thank you" to Brad's wife for letting him come to our house on Friday nights!

Speaking of Wired...the Mav man was absolutely wired today. I don't know what was in his water today, but it must have been pure sugar. He jumped, played outside, ran in circles, etc, etc, etc. I couldn't even get him to go down for a nap. Finally about 5:00 he laid down for 45 minutes, but that was it. Phew...I hope this isn't a sign of things to come. I'm not ready to give up naps yet! Here are a couple of videos from today.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

K-State vs. Marshall
Mav waiting for the Homer.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today is our first day back home. Maverick was so excited to see his Dad again this morning and so excited to see all of his toys! We just let him play this morning and took him over to Grandma Phyllis' in his pajamas. We decided that he really needed a day of recuperating before we took him back to school. What better way to recuperate than spending the day with Grandma! She bathed him, fed him and spoiled him and he was good as new when he came home that night.

I on the other hand headed back to work. I'm feeling really sick,I have no voice and I'm dizzy. I went to the Dr and she gave me a steroid shot in the butt (man, that shot really stings) and some antibiotics. I should be better in the next day or two. She said my sinuses and ears are absolutely packed full of fluid causing me to be dizzy and I'm sure the flying didn't help! She referred me to an allergy dr for testing and we'll see what he says. Luckily it's Mav's ENT Specialist, so we already know him.

Things are progressing in the basement. The fireplace was installed today.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Headed Home.

We decided to just hang around the house today and enjoy some quality family time. Maverick is doing much better with Lilly this time. He seems to actually like her. He'll call her baby or Lilly and he even likes to give her kisses.

About 2:00 we decided that we had probably better head out and have a late lunch and then head to the airport. We stopped at Bahama Breeze for a great lunch (Lilly had a major blow out that required a complete outfit change!) and then headed on to turn in the rental car and catch our flights. I of course caused major drama by leaving my cell phone in the rental car after we turned it in, but after a little running around we were able to track it down. Dad and I were covered in sweat and I was frazzled, but we managed to make it back to say our goodbyes. It was so hard to say goodbye. The tears were plentiful, but we all know it's only a couple of months until we'll be together again for the holidays. It's so hard, but I would worry more if it wasn't.

We had a great flight back to KC. We caught our shuttle back to the Marriott, picked up our car and headed home. Everything was going great, we were about to get on the turnpike and then I heard that all too familiar sound. Maverick was getting sick again! We pulled over in a Hardee's parking lot, stripped him down and got him cleaned up. I tore the car seat apart and did my best to make a car seat cover out of blankets. In the midst of the chaos a man walks by and has the audacity to ask us for money. I think I gave him that motherly look from hell and said" Can you not see that I have a child covered in vomit...I'm a little busy!" He quickly diverted his eyes and said sorry ma'am, sorry ma'am and off he went. I felt a little guilty later on, but I just couldn't deal with him at the time! Mav must have felt much better because he fell right to sleep and slept the rest of the way home. I only wish I was feeling better. I've been coming down with something ever since we arrived in Florida and I'm really feeling rotten now. My head is congested, my throat hurts and I barely have a voice. I'm probably just tired and it will get better once I get some rest.

We got home about 11:00. Maverick was so excited to see Bryce, he grinned from ear to ear. Bryce and Mav hung out for a little while, and then we put him to bed. Next, we tore the car seat apart and washed and scrubbed every little nook and cranny of the car seat and my car.

We hit the sack about 12:30 and I think I was asleep by 12:31. We're exhausted but it was a great trip and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tarpon Springs.
We took our time getting up and around this morning. Actually, it just takes awhile to get 6 adults and 2 kids bathed and out the door.

Once we were all ready we headed to Tarpon Springs for lunch and some shopping. Tarpon Springs is a wonderfully historic Greek community, world famous for it's Sponge Docks.

Maverick in one of the local sponge shops.

Mav after splitting a snow cone with Aunt Tammy.

We had lunch at Hella's Bakery and Restaurant. It was fabulous. We all split a huge Greek salad and then there was cheese cake. This had to be the best cheese cake I've ever tasted. At one point there was discussion that it might be better than sex!

After a long day of shopping we headed home. The kids were wiped out and we were all ready for some down time. Kevin and his fiance Sabrina came over for dinner. We grilled out and had a nice relaxing evening at home.

Matty found one of Mav's binkies! We left this one for Matty so she'd have something to remember us by.

Aunt Tammy teaches Mav how to jump on the bed and Lilly thinks it's pretty funny.
Video below.

I can't believe we have to go home tomorrow. The time is going so quickly. However, we'll definitely be ready to get home and see Dad. We miss you Dad.

I have more pictures to add to this post, but Blogger isn't cooperating. I will try to get the rest of the pics up later.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

We made it!
We walked off the plane and there they all were...Grandma Rita, Grandpa Mike, Tammy, Lilly, Bob and Karen. It was the best feeling in the world to see my parents. I know I'm a parent now, but there's just something comforting about a big hug from your mom and dad. Tammy looked great and Lilly had grown so much. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her. She felt great (light as a feather) and smelled so good. I just wanted to kiss her and kiss her.

We loaded up in two cars, stopped by WalMart for a few essentials for the kiddos and then headed for Bob and Karen's. Bob and Karen are two of the nicest people you will ever meet. It was so nice of them to open their home to our family. Not only did they let the six of us move in for several days, we pretty much took over the place. They fed us and entertained us, they were really great hosts. Thank you Bob and Karen.

That night Brian, Lori, Sage, Ashton and Kevin all came over for dinner. It was great to see everyone. Tammy, Brian, Kevin and I basically grew up together. It was great to see the guys and to see Brian and Lori's kids. Sage is a beautiful and smart young woman and Ashton was a great little boy. Sage was great with Lilly and Ashton did a good job of playing with Mav. He was so nice to let Mav play with his cars and trucks. It was a nice relaxing evening of BBQ and conversation.

When everyone left, we women tried to stay up an talk in the living room. I don't think any of us wanted to go to bed for fear that our time together was going to go so quickly, but finally we had to break down and go to bed.

I don't really have any pictures from today. It was such a busy day that I didn't even get the camera out. Tomorrow we're headed to Tarpon Springs and I'll make sure to get some pictures.
We're headed to Florida today!!
I got up about 4:30, showered and got myself around. I made some instant oatmeal using the coffee pot in our room and it was pretty good.

I dressed Maverick without even waking him up and then we caught the shuttle to the airport.
We hung out and had a bagel in the airport before we had to dump our juice and everything to get through security.

We got through security with no problem and loaded on the plane. We were on a brand new plane that wasn't even a week old. It had leather seats and everything. Man did it smell good. There were only about 20 people on the whole plane so we had the whole back of the plane to ourselves. Maverick was a very good little passenger. We looked out the window, watched Shark Tale, slept a little and next thing we knew...we were in Florida.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mav and I head to KC

As soon as Dorothy's party was over Mav and I hopped in the car and headed for Kansas City. We were staying in KC for the night and then catching a plane to Florida first thing in the morning.

We weren't on the road more than about 15 minutes and Mav was sound asleep.

We had a great trip. He slept most of the way to KC. We stopped and got a little dinner and then headed on.

We're pulling into the parking lot of the Marriott and Maverick starts saying "ouwie" "ouwie". I just figured he was tired of riding in his car seat and ready to get out, which was fine because we were just about to park. Next think I know he is vomiting everywhere. He was absolutely covered, the car seat was covered, everything was covered! So, I stripped him down in the parking lot and wiped him up as best I could. I put on a new outfit on him and we checked into our room.

We made several trips back and forth to the car to tear apart the carseat, get our luggage, etc. Next, we headed to the laundry room. Thank goodness they had laundry facilities! We washed our clothes and the car seat pieces and everything was good as new.

By the time we were done it was almost 11:00 and poor little Mav was so worn out. He of course slept right in the middle of our hotel bed! I think I finally went to bed around 1:00 and then got up at 4:30 so that we could leave for the airport by 5:30. It was a short night, but we managed.

P.S. Happy Anniversary Honey! Today is our 6th wedding Anniversay. I love you!
Grandma Dorothy Turns 95!!

We drove to Ellsworth today for Dorothy's 95th birthday party. What an amazing lady. I'm continually astonished at how beautiful, brilliant and just all around spectacular this woman is at 95.

Dorothy's kids made a family picture board and even a crossword puzzle with clues based on Dorothy's past!

These are Bryce's 2nd cousins and also our neighbors. Mav was so excited when they walked into the party.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Uggghh! Back to work.

We were all a little sluggish to get out of bed this morning but we managed to get up and out of the house at a decent time. Max and Carol flew in from New York today. They came by to see our home this evening and then we all went to Grandma Phyllis' for dinner.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Our Labor Day!

Maverick and I are so spoiled. Dad made us French Toast this morning!

Then he was off to finish framing Mav's playroom/play tunnel.

Grandpa Greg came over in the afternoon and helped finish up framing the tv area. The basement framing is officially done!

Rest in Peace Steve Irwin.