Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Pooh Explosion!

For those of you with a weak stomach you may want to skip this post. It may be more than you can handle!

We got home from the game about 2am this morning. It was a long trip home and we were all exhausted. So exhausted that Bryce and I didn't even wake up until 9am and at 10am Maverick was still asleep. We decided that we had better wake him up or he'd never go down for a nap later in the day. Bryce went into Maverick's room to wake him up and next thing I know Bryce comes back with this strange look on his face and he doesn't have Maverick with him. He says to me, "I think we might have a problem." "I can see brown stuff in Maverick's bed and it smells really bad in his room."

So, we both head back to his room. Maverick is sound a sleep, but there is this awful smell coming from his crib. We look closer and Oh My Gosh!!! There is pooh everywhere!! It's all over his sheets, his bumper, his get the point. We just look at each other and don't even know what to do but laugh. We strip poor little Maverick down and put him in the tub. I can honestly say it's the first time I've ever cleaned pooh out of someone's under arm! It was just a pooh explosion!

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