Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mav and I head to KC

As soon as Dorothy's party was over Mav and I hopped in the car and headed for Kansas City. We were staying in KC for the night and then catching a plane to Florida first thing in the morning.

We weren't on the road more than about 15 minutes and Mav was sound asleep.

We had a great trip. He slept most of the way to KC. We stopped and got a little dinner and then headed on.

We're pulling into the parking lot of the Marriott and Maverick starts saying "ouwie" "ouwie". I just figured he was tired of riding in his car seat and ready to get out, which was fine because we were just about to park. Next think I know he is vomiting everywhere. He was absolutely covered, the car seat was covered, everything was covered! So, I stripped him down in the parking lot and wiped him up as best I could. I put on a new outfit on him and we checked into our room.

We made several trips back and forth to the car to tear apart the carseat, get our luggage, etc. Next, we headed to the laundry room. Thank goodness they had laundry facilities! We washed our clothes and the car seat pieces and everything was good as new.

By the time we were done it was almost 11:00 and poor little Mav was so worn out. He of course slept right in the middle of our hotel bed! I think I finally went to bed around 1:00 and then got up at 4:30 so that we could leave for the airport by 5:30. It was a short night, but we managed.

P.S. Happy Anniversary Honey! Today is our 6th wedding Anniversay. I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stacy, it was sure great to have you and Mav come to Florida to visit. Sorry you got sick and Mav too! We enjoyed your Mom and Dad, just wished they could have stayed longer! Keep in touch! Karen