Thursday, August 24, 2006

Not a whole lot to report. I've been a little under the weather the last day or two with the old sinus crud, but feeling much better today. Grandma Dorothy (or as Mav calls her, DeeDee) was in town yesterday for her heart appointment. She of course passed all of her tests with flying colors and continues to amaze the Dr's at what great shape and health she's in at 95 years old! Grandma Phyllis, Grandma Dorothy, Uncle Kevan and the three of us went out for Margaritas and Mexican food to celebrate her good report from the Dr.

We came home and the boys played outside for awhile why I made sugar cookies for Mav's Summer party at school and then it was time for bath and bed.

That's all to report for now.

P.S. I know he probably doesn't want me to talk about it on here, but Grandpa Greg is feeling much better. He thinks the Kidney Stone is gone!

P.P.S. Mom and dad are doing well. They sent new pictures of the Roatan house. I'll try to post them tonight. They're getting close to putting the roof on.!

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