Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Justice League!
Remember those punching bags we all used to have when we were little. They still make them and they're still as fun as they were back in the day. Bryce picked this one up for Mav today.

1 comment:

Jeph said...

The JLA ROCKS!! Since I'm a comic book geek at the ripe old age of 27, er 37, I've already had a number of people (even people I've never met, but who read my blog) tell me about the new DC superheroes stamps that are out.

I mail as little as possible these days - I buy a roll of stamps once or twice a year and that covers mailing invoices to clients and special occasion/holiday cards. I had no intention of buying the stamps - what would I do with them? Save them, or stick 'em on envelops to other people?

And then a coworker showed up in my office the other day with a big grin on her face. She bought me a sheet of them!

Awwww...I may not have intended to buy them, but it meant a lot that someone cared enough to think of me when she saw them and actually bought them for me! :)