Monday, November 13, 2006

Mav Talk.

"Bee Bee Boke" - I've been waiting to post this because I was afraid I might give in. However, we've done pretty well. About two weeks ago we cut the tip off of Maverick's Bee Bees (Pacifiers, yes it's plural...he has to have two). When we first cut them off he looked at me and said "Mama, Bee Bee Boke (broke)". I thought we would have a terrible time, but he's done great. He still takes them to bed with him for comfort, but he doesn't really use them at night and he doesn't ask for them during the day. We're cutting a little bit more off every few days until eventually it will be gone. It tugs at my heart to take away something that gives him comfort, but I just hate for him to have it at school this winter during the cold and flu season. They pass around so many germs the way it is, he doesn't need one more germy thing in his mouth. So, we're taking it slow and weaning him off the pacifiers. He has been asking to carry his blanket lately so maybe that will take the place of his Bee Bee and still give him that comfort that he needs.

"Dis....Dis" - Bryce and I have really started to make sure that we're using the names for things when we're trying to figure out what he wants. Normally we would say, "do you want this? this? this? pointing to different objects. Now Maverick walks around pointing at objects saying "dis" "dis" . He thinks that everything is called "this" now!

"Phway....Phway" - We'll go on a walk or on a drive and we'll ask Maverick do you want to go this way or this way (pointing in different directions). So now Maverick walks around the house going "Phway... Phway" "Phway...Phway". By the way, he gets really mad if you don't go the "Phway" he wanted you to go.

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