This is a report of the daily goings-on in the Guinn Household. Those of you who know me and my family know that we're always on the go. I'm not a scrapbooker, journaler, etc. So, this is my way of creating a record of our lives.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Greg and Phyllis came over tonight to have dinner and play with Lilly. Lilly was doing so well. She hadn’t been sick in several hours. But, up it came again. Phyllis was holding her and up it came. I don’t know if this is turbulents anymore.
I am mom to Maverick and Gauge and wife to a fabulous husband, Bryce. I am a working mom who loves her work, but loves her time with her family more. I am fortunate to count my parents, my sister and my in-laws as some of my best friends. I am 32 years old and looking forward to the next 10 years as some of the most exciting and fulfilling years to date. I have a beautiful niece, Lilly and hope to be an Auntie to many more nieces and nephews in the future.
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