Dear Maverick-
Oh Maverick, our sweet, sweet, crazy, little wild man, Maverick. It’s so hard to believe that you are two years old today! We still remember holding our screaming little baby for the first time and how beautiful you were and how scared we were at the time. The funny thing is that not much has changed. You’re still screaming, but yet the most beautiful and charming young man we’ve ever known. And from time to time we’re still scared if we’re doing the right things for you and being the best parents that we can be for you.
You have changed so much over the last two years. Here are a few of the things you’re doing and interested in right now.
Sweet and Shy
-You are such a sweet boy. You’ve learned to say “I sowwee” when you make someone sad or step on a toy, etc. Anytime someone trips, cries, etc you quickly ask them “ya ok?”
-You’ve really begun to show your shyness. When we’re in a group setting you quickly bury your head in one of our shoulders and hide, but eventually you warm up to just about anyone. Separation anxiety has definitely been at an all time high lately.
-You’re really pretty good at sharing for your age. Sometimes it takes a little coaxing but you eventually give up the toy you’re playing with and wait until it’s your turn again.
You love to be around other kids. Your face lights up and you’re ready to go. You love your Grandma’s and your Papa’s. We’re still waiting to see what your word is going to be for Grandma. Right now it comes out “mama” but once in awhile we hear a “me ma”. And then there’s the boys… Wow, when Uncle Kevan, Donny and Luke come over it’s pure chaos. You start screaming and jumping up and down. You can’t remember all of their names so you just call them all “Luke”. Every time the phone rings, it’s “Luke” and every time you’re talking on your play phone it’s always “Luke”. Tammy, Ryan and Lilly came to visit and you took to them right away. You called Tammy “My mammy” and Lilly “my lilwee” Poor Ryan wasn’t really here long enough to get a name but we’ll work on that next time
We are continually amazed by the emotions and things that you understand. When someone cries you say “oh, no cry”. When Lilly was sick you kept saying to me “ Lilly Sick” “puh puh” (mimicking Lilly getting sick!).
Testing the boundaries and your temper
-Wow, you’re still testing every boundary that we make and you’ve begun asking “Why?” Maverick, come get dressed….”Why?” Maverick clean up your toys….”Why?” Maverick it’s time to eat….”why?” We try so hard not to but sometimes we answer “Because I said so”
- You are saying new words everyday. I would say we can almost understand you 50% of the time. You’re starting to link words together into small sentences. You definitely use these words to show your independence!
Busy, Busy, Busy
Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t say to to us “Boy, he sure runs a lot”. YOU RUN EVERYWHERE!!!! We are so amazed at how coordinated you are already. You run circles around other kids your age. Literally, you run in circles around them! You literally run from the time you get out of bed until the time we put you in bed at night. You can already catch and throw a ball. Hit a ball off of a tee. Steer your 4-wheeler just about anywhere you want to go. Jump, roll, almost somersault and I could go on and on and on.
You are so into Cars, Trucks, Tractors and Choo Choo’s right now. You’re definitely all boy.
We love you very much Maverick Mickael!
Happy Birthday!
Mom and Dad
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