Lilly has been up off and on all night. We’ve been giving her pedialyte to keep fluids in her as best we can. We’re taking her into Mav’s Pediatrician at 10:00 today. Greg and Phyllis were supposed to fly to Vegas today to watch the Shockers play ball, but their flight has been cancelled due to weather in Denver. So, they’re driving down to Oklahoma City to catch a flight. Ryan, Tammy’s husband, is supposed to fly here from Denver tomorrow. I sure hope he can make it.
The pediatrician said that Lilly has the flu. Flu that is going to last several days and the Dr said the next stage is diahrea. Well, we've entered that stage. Between Mav and Lilly I think we've changed about 10 poopy diapers today!
She said that little ones like Lilly are really having a hard time kicking this flu. She said it’s causing vomiting, diahhrea, pink eye, ear infections. Anything you can think of this virus is causing. She suggested that we give Lilly the heavy syrup from peaches to help settle her stomach. So, we’ll try it.

Mom got to go home to the island today. I think this will really help her recovery. She has to be carried up and down the stairs to the house, so she can't get out much but at least she can be back where she's more comfortable. They're staying at a friends house right now until their new house is finished, but I still think it's nice for them to be back on the island. Now, if she'll just behave herself and not try to overdo it!
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