Sunday, December 31, 2006
Birthday cake and Gma and Gpa Foulk
We decided to wait and celebrate Maverick's birthday on New Year's day so that my parents would be here to help us celebrate. So, I started making his cake and cupcakes today.
Someone decided that he needed to try the cupcakes! (p.s. he wears his stocking hat all of the time right now!)
The good thing is, he's self cleaning!
I worked on icing the cake this afternoon
Grandma and Grandpa made it in about 10:00 tonight!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Last night we had our Guinn Family Christmas and we had a great time. We had a fabulous prime rib dinner accompanied by mashed potatoes, green beans, carrots, salad and ciabatta bread all prepared by Me Ma! To top it off we even had chocolate cake. (This was Mav's favorite part of the meal)
We were cleaning up dinner and all of the sudden we heard sleigh bells over the intercom! Could it be true? Had Santa come to visit Maverick yet again? He was so excited. He kept saying "Hi Santa" to the intercom.
Video of Maverick finding what Santa has left for him below.
His new fire truck is so awesome.
Uncle Kevan got him a Lightning McQueen Car!
He loved it so much that he took it to bed with him last night!
Maverick started in a new room at New Song today. He is now is the room for kids who are 24 months to 30 months. He did pretty well this morning. I could tell that he was excited to see all of the kind of new (he knows all of these kids, it's just been awhile since he's seen them) kids and all of the new toys! He cried when I left, but not too hard. I called to check on him about an hour later and he was having a ball. They have "centers" in this room and he played in the "truck center" the whole time. I'm telling you, this kid is truck crazy!
I'm pretty excited about this room because they sit him on the potty several times a day. His teachers said that he didn't want to sit on it today and they won't make him. They just ask him and wait until he's ready. They said it usually takes a few days of watching the other kids and then he'll be ready. I can't wait to see what happens!!
He must have had fun today because when Bryce went to pick him up tonight he wasn't ready to go home. He has so many new toys to play with and he hadn't had time to play with all of them!
I really think he's going to like this new room!
Dear Maverick-
Oh Maverick, our sweet, sweet, crazy, little wild man, Maverick. It’s so hard to believe that you are two years old today! We still remember holding our screaming little baby for the first time and how beautiful you were and how scared we were at the time. The funny thing is that not much has changed. You’re still screaming, but yet the most beautiful and charming young man we’ve ever known. And from time to time we’re still scared if we’re doing the right things for you and being the best parents that we can be for you.
You have changed so much over the last two years. Here are a few of the things you’re doing and interested in right now.
Sweet and Shy
-You are such a sweet boy. You’ve learned to say “I sowwee” when you make someone sad or step on a toy, etc. Anytime someone trips, cries, etc you quickly ask them “ya ok?”
-You’ve really begun to show your shyness. When we’re in a group setting you quickly bury your head in one of our shoulders and hide, but eventually you warm up to just about anyone. Separation anxiety has definitely been at an all time high lately.
-You’re really pretty good at sharing for your age. Sometimes it takes a little coaxing but you eventually give up the toy you’re playing with and wait until it’s your turn again.
You love to be around other kids. Your face lights up and you’re ready to go. You love your Grandma’s and your Papa’s. We’re still waiting to see what your word is going to be for Grandma. Right now it comes out “mama” but once in awhile we hear a “me ma”. And then there’s the boys… Wow, when Uncle Kevan, Donny and Luke come over it’s pure chaos. You start screaming and jumping up and down. You can’t remember all of their names so you just call them all “Luke”. Every time the phone rings, it’s “Luke” and every time you’re talking on your play phone it’s always “Luke”. Tammy, Ryan and Lilly came to visit and you took to them right away. You called Tammy “My mammy” and Lilly “my lilwee” Poor Ryan wasn’t really here long enough to get a name but we’ll work on that next time
We are continually amazed by the emotions and things that you understand. When someone cries you say “oh, no cry”. When Lilly was sick you kept saying to me “ Lilly Sick” “puh puh” (mimicking Lilly getting sick!).
Testing the boundaries and your temper
-Wow, you’re still testing every boundary that we make and you’ve begun asking “Why?” Maverick, come get dressed….”Why?” Maverick clean up your toys….”Why?” Maverick it’s time to eat….”why?” We try so hard not to but sometimes we answer “Because I said so”
- You are saying new words everyday. I would say we can almost understand you 50% of the time. You’re starting to link words together into small sentences. You definitely use these words to show your independence!
Busy, Busy, Busy
Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t say to to us “Boy, he sure runs a lot”. YOU RUN EVERYWHERE!!!! We are so amazed at how coordinated you are already. You run circles around other kids your age. Literally, you run in circles around them! You literally run from the time you get out of bed until the time we put you in bed at night. You can already catch and throw a ball. Hit a ball off of a tee. Steer your 4-wheeler just about anywhere you want to go. Jump, roll, almost somersault and I could go on and on and on.
You are so into Cars, Trucks, Tractors and Choo Choo’s right now. You’re definitely all boy.
We love you very much Maverick Mickael!
Happy Birthday!
Mom and Dad
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
O.k., I wasn’t going to write about our Christmas saga this year, but it’s just so comical at this point I had to write it down. Just remember when you’re reading this, that we really did have a good Christmas and we had a great time together. I’ve been laughing the whole time that I’ve been writing this, so please don’t think that we’re down or upset. We’re really laughing about it at this point. If you’d like to read the whole update it starts on December 15th. Or you can click on the link below that says "Christmas"
Monday, December 25, 2006
6:00am Mav wakes up. I don’t know why he’s getting up so early right now. My eyes are totally matted shut and I can’t get them open.! Damn, I’m really starting to get p. o’d now. We don’t have any plans this morning so we just relax and play with presents. Mav got a new bat and ball and we’re really having fun playing with it.
3:00 pm I check on Tammy and she seems to be doing better. Lilly is holding things down so that helps too. I think they’re both going to say home tomorrow. We’re headed to the Phyllis and Greg’s s for the big Guinn extended family Christmas. Mav wore his new outfit from Aunt Tammy and Uncle Ryan.
9:00pm We’re home from the Guinn family Christmas. We had a great time. Phyllis had a fabulous spread of food and it was great to see everyone. Mav was a little overwhelmed by all of the people, but he did pretty well. Bryce’s cousin Lisa had her 2 month old baby boy there and he was so cute. Mav would look at him and say “baby” “baby”. We opened our stockings and then everyone headed out. I forgot to get my camera out, but as soon as I get pics from Phyllis I will post them.
We’re both tired and headed to bed. It’s back to work tomorrow. I’m hoping that tomorrow will be a new day and the curse of Christmas 2006 will finally end!!!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
1:00am Lilly is sick
3:00am Lilly is sick
6:00am Mav wakes up and is ready to play. We keep all of the lights off so that he can’t see the Christmas presents because I don’t want to wake anyone else up yet.
8:00am it’s too bright outside now and Mav can see all of the presents! He is so excited. He’s dancing in front of the tree and he just starts pulling presents out from under the tree and unwrapping them. We had a great time opening gifts. It took most of the morning because we would unwrap one gift and then it would have to be opened and played with for awhile. Lilly did great. She just seems uncomfortable. If you’re holding her, she’doesn’t want you to sit down. Poor thing.
Full Christmas with the Ramsays photo album below.
12:00 - Tammy looks at me with tears in her eyes and says “Do you care if we pack up and head home today?” I told her it was no problem with us. I think we’ve all had more than we can take for one holiday. So, we loaded them up and they headed for Colorado.
We layed around most of the day and played with presents. I slept a lot today. I’m just not really feeling up to par yet. I think I’ll wait awhile to eat or drink anything tday.
5:00 Bryce looks at me and says “Your eyes are really red”. I knew they were kind of itching and bothering me, but I hadn’t really looked at them. Sure enough…I look in the mirror and they’re bright red and a hour or so later they’re really goopy. Oh my gosh I think I have pink eye!
9:00 Tammy calls and they’re almost to Denver. They stopped in Limon and Lilly got sick so they’re going to take her to the hospital in Denver to get her checked out before they go up the mountains. I sure hope she’s o.k., Her little body is just worn out.
11:30 Tammy finally calls and Lilly is fine. They checked her oxygen levels and her hydration levels and said she’s fine she’s just a sick little girl. They told Tammy that this flu has been lasting 10 days in some babies! Oh my Gosh… can you believe it could last 10 days. At least she’s on day 6 now, but isn’t that horrible....
Saturday, December 23, 2006
1:30 am. Aunt Stacy and Lilly waiting for daddy to get here.
2:00 am Ryan is here. He drove in the snow and just made it in. We’re all exhausted and going to bed, but we're excited he's here!
Lilly seems to be doing better today. We’re going to go ahead and go to Kingman for the Lankton Christmas. Our tanks are running a little low due to little sleep, but we’re excited to get to Kingman and see everyone.
11:30am- We arrive in Kingman. O.k., we’re a little late (we were supposed to be there at 10:00) but hey, we have 2 kids (1 of them sick) and 4 hours of sleep. I think we did pretty well.
We played a game of baseball and Mav of course wanted to sit right behind the game board!
Allison giving Lilly a shoulder massage
Full Lankton Christmas Album below
6:30 pm-We had a great time visitng with family. Mav was a wild man. He ran and ran all day long! Lilly did great. She didn’t get sick, she was smiling and playing. I really think she might be almost through with the flu.
7:30 pm-Mav was exhausted and he's already in bed. Myrna came by to see the kids and deliver presents. I felt so badly that Maverick was already in bed. Myrna really enjoyed seeing Lilly!
9:00 pm -Tammy and I decide that we need to run to Target for a few stocking stuffers since we’re going to have our Christmas in the morning so that they can head back to Colorado early on morning of the 25th. We get in the car and about halfway to Target I’m starting to feel a little wierd, but I assume it will pass. Well, let’s just say this….Tammy did all of the shopping while I was vomiting in the Target bathroom!
10:00 pm-We’re home and we play Santa real quick and go to bed. I think we’re all ready to wake up to a new day!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Lilly had a rough night, but she seems to be doing better today. However, we got a call from Ryan and his flight has been cancelled. He can’t fly here for Christmas!! I think he’s upset but we’re working through it. He’s checking the roads to see if he can drive. We really want him here and he really doesn’t want to spend Christmas alone.
10:00am - Mav and I headed to his Christmas Party at New Song. We made little goody bags (little stockings) with toys and candy in them for all of the kids. We had a great time.
3:00pm Lilly is sick again. She had gone several hours without being sick and we thought we were in the clear. Man this virus really seems to be hanging on!
Mav and I headed outside to play for awhile. There's something about a stocking hat that gives you really wild hair!
9:30pm We get the kids to bed and start making Devilled Eggs. I know this sounds like a crazy tradition, but we make Devilled Eggs every Christmas! We of course had to call my mom for the recipe because we can't ever remember everything that goes into the eggs!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Lilly has been up off and on all night. We’ve been giving her pedialyte to keep fluids in her as best we can. We’re taking her into Mav’s Pediatrician at 10:00 today. Greg and Phyllis were supposed to fly to Vegas today to watch the Shockers play ball, but their flight has been cancelled due to weather in Denver. So, they’re driving down to Oklahoma City to catch a flight. Ryan, Tammy’s husband, is supposed to fly here from Denver tomorrow. I sure hope he can make it.
The pediatrician said that Lilly has the flu. Flu that is going to last several days and the Dr said the next stage is diahrea. Well, we've entered that stage. Between Mav and Lilly I think we've changed about 10 poopy diapers today!
She said that little ones like Lilly are really having a hard time kicking this flu. She said it’s causing vomiting, diahhrea, pink eye, ear infections. Anything you can think of this virus is causing. She suggested that we give Lilly the heavy syrup from peaches to help settle her stomach. So, we’ll try it.
Grandma Rita and Grandpa Mike, Mav must have been thinking about you today. He brought me his black shoes from Roatan and begged me to put them on him. He had to get in his closet and reach up high to get them out of his shoe rack. I was amazed that he could even get to them. So, we put them on and he ran around the house in them for a couple of hours. The funniest thing is that they're still so big, but that didn't seem to bother him.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
After airline delays, Tammy and Lilly arrived about 2:00 am this morning. We're all a little tired, but we're having a good time. Poor little Lilly has been vomiting. We're thinking that maybe the turbulents on the plane upset her little stomach. She’s a trooper. She’s still up playing and carrying on with Mav. He seems to think she’s o.k. this time. He walks up to her and says “Lilly Cry” “Lilly Sick” She giggles and laughs at his goofy little faces and moves that he does around her. He’s quite the little entertainer.