Our dearest Maverick-
Oh my how you’ve changed! You’re no longer a baby or a toddler, you’re officially a little boy and you are ALL boy. You are still so into cars, trucks and especially tractors. When you see a tractor you get so excited that you’re constantly asking “Did you see it” “Did you see it Mommy?” Did you see it Daddy?” “Did you see dat tractor in da gwass?” Your Aunty Cinda said it was like you saw the Holy Grail when “Teve” opened the door to the big barn where they keep the tractors.
You love to drive your Gator. You’re officially driving in high gear now and man are you fast. You take all of the kids in the neighborhood for rides and you’re really a good little driver. You like to do donuts in Lamont’s driveway and pull into our garage as fast as you can and then squeal to a stop. You’re just like your dad!
You’re quite the little golfer already and we can’t wait to get you out to play some real golf. You’re down playing golf on the new putting green every night. “I go goff mommy, o.k?”
Of course, you’re still fast like lightening. You’re one of the fastest, most coordinated kids I’ve ever seen.
You’ve become such a little communicator, speaking in complete sentences. You learn loads of new words each and every day. The other day you told us that your snack was “slimey”. Now where did you learn that word? One night we were playing and you looked up at the lamp and said “Those light bulbs are beautiful Mommy” It takes everything we’ve got not to bust into laughter, but you’re so serious and we know it so we take it seriously too. You’ve really started to enjoy reading books. We read the same books at least twice every night. I think you know them by heart, but you pretend that it’s new and exciting every time.
You have so many little friends and you know them ALL by name. We’re constantly amazed by your memory. When it comes to your adult friends you even remember what color of car they drive! You’ve become very good at sharing. We have so many kids in the neighborhood that like to hang out in our driveway and play with your toys and you’re a really good sport about it. We’re very proud of you.
You still love to be outside more than anything. We are definitely amazed by how fast you can get dirty. I think it might even be faster than you run!
Your teachers are so proud of you at school. You can sing several songs including your ABC’s, you can count to ten, you know your colors, etc, etc, etc. And in the last week you have started going potty on the big boy potty at school! You’re a pretty smart and grown up little man.
Most of all, you’re a sweet, sweet boy and we love you very much!
Mom and Dad
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