Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sweet little Emma and Uncle Tevan

We started the day by telling Maverick that we were going to Emma's party today and that Uncle Kevan and Ashley were coming over for dinner. Well, that was a mistake. All day we heard "party" "party" "Tevan" Where's Tevan" "Waaant Teevvaan"

Anyway, we got up and made pancakes for breakfast and then headed to Target for some shopping. Mav of course came home with two new toys, a package of cars and a new rocket!

Video of his new rocket below.

We had to wake Mav up from his nap to head over to Emma's party so he wasn't in the best of moods, but he slowly warmed up to everyone. Let me tell you...Emma is adorable! She has such a sweet disposition and seems to be such a happy little girl. We were late getting to the party so we only stayed a short time but we enjoyed visiting and looking at all of their pics from China. Mav of course loved playing with Jake's choo choo trains.

We came home and whipped up some quick appetizers and finally "Uncle Tevan" came over. Mav was so excited. We had a nice dinner with Kevan and Ashley and then called it a night.

Mav's new cars. He's into lining things up right now.

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