We decided to just hang around the house today and enjoy some quality family time. Maverick is doing much better with Lilly this time. He seems to actually like her. He'll call her baby or Lilly and he even likes to give her kisses.

About 2:00 we decided that we had probably better head out and have a late lunch and then head to the airport. We stopped at Bahama Breeze for a great lunch (Lilly had a major blow out that required a complete outfit change!) and then headed on to turn in the rental car and catch our flights. I of course caused major drama by leaving my cell phone in the rental car after we turned it in, but after a little running around we were able to track it down. Dad and I were covered in sweat and I was frazzled, but we managed to make it back to say our goodbyes. It was so hard to say goodbye. The tears were plentiful, but we all know it's only a couple of months until we'll be together again for the holidays. It's so hard, but I would worry more if it wasn't.
We had a great flight back to KC. We caught our shuttle back to the Marriott, picked up our car and headed home. Everything was going great, we were about to get on the turnpike and then I heard that all too familiar sound. Maverick was getting sick again! We pulled over in a Hardee's parking lot, stripped him down and got him cleaned up. I tore the car seat apart and did my best to make a car seat cover out of blankets. In the midst of the chaos a man walks by and has the audacity to ask us for money. I think I gave him that motherly look from hell and said" Can you not see that I have a child covered in vomit...I'm a little busy!" He quickly diverted his eyes and said sorry ma'am, sorry ma'am and off he went. I felt a little guilty later on, but I just couldn't deal with him at the time! Mav must have felt much better because he fell right to sleep and slept the rest of the way home. I only wish I was feeling better. I've been coming down with something ever since we arrived in Florida and I'm really feeling rotten now. My head is congested, my throat hurts and I barely have a voice. I'm probably just tired and it will get better once I get some rest.
We got home about 11:00. Maverick was so excited to see Bryce, he grinned from ear to ear. Bryce and Mav hung out for a little while, and then we put him to bed. Next, we tore the car seat apart and washed and scrubbed every little nook and cranny of the car seat and my car.
We hit the sack about 12:30 and I think I was asleep by 12:31. We're exhausted but it was a great trip and I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
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