Working Mom.O.k., I'm not writing this for anyone to feel sorry for me, I'm not unhappy, I just wanted to jot down my thoughts and feelings so that someday when Maverick's wife comes to me in tears saying that she can't do it anymore I can look back and show her how I was feeling and that it's o.k. to feel that way once in awhile.
I'm not sure why it happens, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason, but every once in awhile Maverick and I have a really hard time saying goodbye in the morning. 29 out of 30 mornings we do great, but there's always that one morning every month where it's really hard and I hate being a working mom that whole day. Today is one of those days. Maverick loves his school and I know it's so good for him, but this morning he cried and cried when I left. It started with him not wanting to take off his jacket. When I did finally get it off of him he just wanted to hold it, he didn't want me to hang it up. So, o.k., that's fine...maybe it's a security blanket type thing. When I had to leave he cried and cried. He stood at the door crying moooommmmaaaa, mooommmmaaa, and it's just heart breaking. It's all I can do to hold back the tears.
I sit here at my desk and worry and wonder about how he's doing. It makes me question everything. Am I a horrible mom, why do I work, etc, etc and then I calm down and remember why. We live a great lifestyle, we have great health benefits, we own our own business, we can afford to send Maverick to the best school and Maverick really does love it, he learns so much at school and has made so many friends. I have many friends that are fantastic stay at home moms, but when I'm truthful with myself...I don't know that I'm cut out for it. There's a part of me that really does enjoy working. I do think it's best for our family this way.
I just called New Song to check up on Maverick and he's just fine. They just finished P.E and now they're having a snack before they do crafts. I know he loves it there and I know those ladies love him and treat him like he is their own.
So, I'm fine now and I can't wait to go pick him up tonight. That is one of the best things about being a working parent...picking him up. We don't admit it, but I think sometimes Bryce and I race to see who can get done first for the day and pick him up. Sometimes I stand at the door and watch him playing with all of his little friends. The minute I open the door he squeals with delight and comes running with open arms. He always babbles a big long sentence about what he did today, gives me kisses and grins from ear to ear. It's the best feeling in the world and once again I feel like a good mom.