Saturday, April 28, 2007

Flowers and Big Boy Beds.

Today we planted our outdoor flower pots.

And, Mav and Dad turned Mav's bed from a crib to a big boy bed! Mav has been refusing to sleep in his crib, he only wanted to sleep on the floor. This seems to have solved the problem for the time being.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mud Day!

We were at the playground for our usual evening playtime. Maverick, Carter and Easton are having a great time playing together. Next thing we know they've found a water/mud hole in the lot nearby. Well, you can only imagine what happened next. I picked out a few of my favorite pictures to post. If you'd like to see all of the pics from the mud day, click on the album below. I have video as well. Will try to get it posted soon. (If you do look at the album below...yes, that is a sand pile that they decide to roll down after they were soaked in mud and water).

P.S. Grandma Phyllis, we're really sorry about the shirt, but it didn't recover well. It's a good thing that he had his school pictures taken in that shirt earlier in the day!




Full Album below

mud day

Friday, April 13, 2007

The New Putting Green.

Our new putting green is finished! Mav and Bryce are in heaven!

The new carpet is done on the stairs. Now if someone would get off her hiney and finish painting the hallway!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm finally getting the last of the Roatan pictures posted. The full album is below. Just a warning...there are a lot of pics.

Roatan 07 pics

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Scenery pics from Roatan.

Roatan Scenery Pics

Monday, April 02, 2007

Here are a few videos from our trip to Roatan.

Roatan 07 movies