Thankful.A few days ago a sister of a good friend of mine lost their home to fire. They have an 18 year old, a 13 year old and a 2 month old grandchild that were all living with them at the time and they lost absolutely everything. I immediately began thinking of anything that I could do to help. These poor people had lost everything. They were desperately in need of a car seat for the baby, so I headed right home to get mine so that my friend could take it to her sister. I felt so guilty because for one second I hesitated and thought what if I don't get it back, what if something happens to it, etc, etc. I had to stop myself and say "Stacy" don't be ridiculous. These people have lost everything, the least you can do is give then your
carseat. I felt horrible that these thoughts even crossed my mind. So, I decided it's time that I take inventory and remember how lucky I am and how thankful I should be for everything that God and life has given to me and my family.
I am so THANKFUL to have a happy and healthy family.
I am so THANKFUL for the
Guinn Family who love me and treat me as if I was their very own.
I am so THANKFUL for my parents. I'm so glad that we have such a good relationship that they can move out of the country and we're still as close as ever.
I am so THANKFUL for Tammy, Ryan and the new love of my life Lilly. Tammy and Ryan, thank you so much for bringing us Lilly. I never knew how much fun it would be to be an aunt.
I am so THANKFUL for all of our grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. We have a wonderful extended family.
I am so THANKFUL for the Armed Forces who are risking their lives to ensure our safety at home. I won't get into whether the war is right or wrong, I'm just THANKFUL that we have people that are strong enough to jump in and protect us when we need it. Justin, I am especially THANKFUL for you and the time you spent at war. I'm not always the best friend that I should be to you, but I hope you and your mom know how much I love you and how THANKFUL I am to have you in my life.
I am so THANKFUL for the men in my life. Maverick you are truly the light of my life. Once I knew I was going to be a mom I knew that I would love you, but I had no idea how deep that love would go. I never knew that you could pack so much love, joy, energy and yes, frustration into one little person. There are days when I think I might lose my cool, but there is never a day goes by that I'm not truly THANKFUL for my little
Mav man. Bryce, I can't even begin to write down all of the reasons that I'm THANKFUL for you. I think about the different turns that my life would have taken if I hadn't met you. At this point, I just can't even fathom life without you. You're more than a husband to me, you're my confidant, the love of my life and most of all my best friend. I love you will all my heart and for that I am deeply Thankful.