New Song Halloween Party.Mav's Halloween party was today from 10:00 - 11:00. I got there at 10:00 on the nose and they had already had their snacks! I was so bummed that I didn't get to see them eat their witches hats and their spiders. Oh well, all of the kids looked so cute. I didn't get any pics of Mav because as soon as I got there he was attached to me at the hip. He thought I was coming to pick him up and go home.
This is Carson. He was a football player.

This is Lindsay, she was a kitty kat.

This is Abby. She was a Pirate!

The bigger kids paraded through all of the rooms and then the kids Maverick's age paraded through the halls. It really was fun and I was amazed at how many parents were at the parties. There wasn't an open space in the parking lot!