We have plumbing.

The Shower.

Bryce and Greg finished framing up the fireplace tonight. Grandma Phyllis took Mav and I for a ride in the '56 and then made us dinner. It doesn't get much better than that!

This is a report of the daily goings-on in the Guinn Household. Those of you who know me and my family know that we're always on the go. I'm not a scrapbooker, journaler, etc. So, this is my way of creating a record of our lives.
From the day we moved into our new house we have had 3 dead trees that we see from our deck and back windows. The trees actually belong to the housing development next to ours. We have called and called asking them to replace the trees or to just pull them out so that we don't have to look at dead trees every day.