Dear Maverick-
This is something that we should have done when you were 18 months old, but in all fairness; we didn’t have this blog yet. Your dad and I wanted to write you a note to tell you how much we love you, how proud we are of you and how proud you should be of yourself. We hope that someday you’ll be able to look back at this post and know exactly what you were doing at this time in your life.
-You are such a sweet, sweet boy. You hate for anyone’s feelings to get hurt, including your own. If you accidentally run your truck into one of us you instantly give us this sad look and a big hug. If you run over your finger with your truck you immediately say "ouch" and bring it over to us for kisses. Sometimes I think you pretend to hurt it just for the kisses. You have a big heart and are very loving to your family and friends. You come running with arms wide open anytime you see one of us, your grandparents or the boys and it’s usually accompanied by a squeal of delight and some jumping up and down. You make the cutest little face when you’re excited. Your mouth takes the shape of a perfect little “o” you pump your fists and jump up and down.
-You have a touch of shyness that shows when we’re around groups of people, but after a few minutes you’ve warmed up and flirted with just about everyone in the room. Once you’re comfortable the dancing, talking and pretty much all out wild man begins emerge.
Testing the boundaries and your temper-Seeing you develop emotions and learn to express them has been very exciting and challenging. You know what you want…and if you don’t get it, there’s drama. You’ve started to whine and cry to get our attention. We try to tend to you as fast as we can and explain to you that we don’t understand your whiney voice. A few times you have become so frustrated and mad that your face turns red and you shake. Luckily this has only happened a few times. We’re getting much better and understanding what you need. It must be so frustrating not to be able to say what you’re feeling.
-You love to test the boundaries. You look at us right before you’re going to do something you’re not supposed to do as though to let us know you’re going to be getting in trouble soon.
-For your age, you’re pretty good at sharing. We have lots of kids in our neighborhood and there’s always someone wanting to play with your toys. As long as it’s not the toy you’re playing with at the moment, it’s usually o.k.. We’re amazed at how you light up when you see the kids outside. You immediately want to go and play.
Verbal- We’re continually shocked at what you know. I think sometimes we underestimate what you can do and what you can understand. It has been so much fun to hear you say new words each day. Our two favorites are "uv you" (love you) and "too choo" (thank you). I’m sure we give you way more juice than one kid should have, but it’s just so cute when you say “juice”. Here are a few more words that you’re saying right now.
Uh Oh
Peese (Please)
Hey You
Ooouuuwwww (Ouch)
Dah, Dah, Go (Ready, Set, Go)
Un, Two, Eee (one, two, three)
Ah ee ooo (I see you)
Ha, ha, ha (Hot)
Mo Mo (Mower)
Wa Wa (Water)
Woo Woo (Train) Anytime the train goes by you go running to the door and beg to go outside to see the train. You pump your arm and say woo hoo and then we say chugga chugga chugga and move our arms like a train.
Animal noises you can make: Monkey, Duck, Snake, Tiger, Pig, Dog, and Cat.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Busy, Busy, BusyFrom day one you have been an active kid. In the hospital you were so busy talking that they couldn’t do your hearing test. The nurses always wanted to swaddle you, but you always wanted your arms out and flailing around. You’re pretty much still the same. Always babbling about something and sometimes even scolding us. We’re not really sure what you’re saying, but it’s pretty serious. You run everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you’re only going 2 feet you’re going to run for those two feet. You’re quite the little climber and quite the little jumper. You love to play outside. We wash and dry your shoes almost every night! If it weren’t for sleeping and eating you would never come inside. We’re really starting to think you’re going to be left handed. You eat, throw the ball, and punch your punching bag all with your left hand. You’ve started to throw the ball over handed and you can play catch if we’re playing with a larger ball.

A few things you’re really into right now:
Giving five
Giving knuckles
Cell phones
Regular phones
Punching bag
Dad’s riding lawn mower – you absolutely love riding the lawn mower with Dad. You’re crushed when it’s time to go inside and take a bath.
All of the girls on the block
Coloring and drawing
Play doh
Pushing the stroller
Getting the mail
Taking your vitamin
Singing – Wheels on the bus, Rolling down the sand hills, Row, row, row your boat, Where is Thumbkin, Hot potato, Jesus Love me and too many more to list.
Brushing your teeth
Go bye, bye in the car
Chasing Foxy (the neighbor's dog)
Playing in the basement
Typing on the computer
Playing dad’s guitar
Things you’re not into:
Diaper Changes
Changing Clothes
Red Meat
French Fries

Maverick, you bring so much joy to our lives and to those who are around you. We love and enjoy every minute from singing in the morning to reading books at night.
Mom and Dad